
Protect - Social media moderation

Take action against cyberbullying, scams, and toxic comments

Hide hateful, racist, brand-damaging comments and spam hijacking your social media. Discreetly and in seconds.

Protect your online community and take back control of your social media.

Brolly Protect provides real-time 24/7/365 protection across your social media.



Hide posts and comments that are discriminatory, hateful or threatening, and actions which may offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate.

Scams and spam

Prevent scammers and spammers promoting their personal and professional interests across your social channels.

Visual threats

Detect and remove rogue visual material, including pornography, extremism and graphic violence in image, video and streaming media.

Personal Identifiable information (PII)

Protects personal privacy and that of others by hiding personal information such as names, email addresses, private addresses or phone numbers, etc.

Offensive language

Identify and hide inappropriate, profane, defamatory, obscene or indecent comments.

Custom keywords

Add custom words and phrases to align specific organisation needs such as upholding compliance to social media guidelines.

Comments on your social media are your responsibility

$2 billion lost to scams

Australians reported losses due to scams as reported by ACCC scams activity 2021.

84% spike in scams

Top industries affected are education, government, healthcare, communications and software vendors
ACCC scams activity 2021

96% of Australians

Have been exposed to a scam in the five years to 2021 according to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

Start protecting your accounts and online community today

Ensure alignment to your social media terms of use and policies with our pre-configured and continually updated keyword and emoji filtering lists – all customisable to your requirements.

Track activity

Track trends in your total comment volume, hide rates, moderation type by social platform and accounts.

Review moderation

See in real-time with complete context of the conversation all comments in your social stream, which ones were hidden, and why. View the post or ad causing issues to optimise your social media and engagement.

Customise the moderation

Manage preinstalled moderation settings and add customised keywords to match unique moderation needs and requirements.


Let’s chat

We would love to speak with you in more detail about how Brolly Protect can benefit your organisation by keeping your community safe.
Please use the link below to register your interest.


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